Haunting U
We are in the process of building our Haunters Ghoulbox with tools useful for every stage of the haunting process. Check back frequently for updates!
Check out our YouTube page where you can find product reviews, demos, how-to's and more!
Planning Phase
Gantt Chart
A Gantt chart is a powerful project planning tool to help you schedule all the activities needed to put on your haunt. We discuss the Gantt chart and its creation in Episode 22. The files we created can be found in the following public folder:
Get the free GanttProject software here:
3-D Modeling
After planning out our layout on paper, we find it helpful to build a digital model to work out details before moving to a full scale model. NCH offers a free (for non-commercial use) software suite called DreamPlan Home Designer that is very intuitive to use:
Production Phase
Looking for easy-to-follow how to videos to build a variety of props? I can think of no better source than the Haunters Hangout!
Building Your Soundscape
Adding creepy atmospheric sound effects that really draw your guests into your story can be as easy a few clicks. Check out the Ambient Mixer to find fully customizable atmospheric soundscapes.
Live Sound Effects
Want to start incorporating live sound effects into your haunt? An easy way to get started is with the Nady Audio MM-14FX mixer. Its tiny, 6" long and runs on a 9V battery allowing you to place it anywhere. It has built in reverb allowing you to add echos to any microphone, music or other sound effects.
Presentation Phase
Completing this free course takes less than an hour earning you a portfolio-ready certificate showing your dedication to infection control in salons, spas, and barbershops.